Stop Thinking What Will Happen, Start Thinking What Won’t Happen


You know, too often we think to ourselves: “What will happen if I do this?”

1. What Will Happen If I Stop Being Lazy?

That one’s easy. You’ll start maturing, becoming responsible, working on your dreams, you’ll maybe even save a relationship with the girl you love, etc.

We’re never really sure but in my opinion those are pretty good possibilities.

Now let’s try the opposite.

1. What Won’t Happen If I Continue Being Lazy?

This one’s easier. You won’t start maturing, you won’t start becoming responsible, you’ll never start working on your dreams and you sure as hell won’t save your relationship.

Wait a minute…

We went from a high possibility that four things will happen to the certainty that those same four things will never happen.

Okay, that seems like a strange coincidence so let’s do another example.

2. What Will Happen If I Go To The Gym Today?

You will feel happier, you will feel an increase in energy levels, your skin health will improve, your brain health and memory will improve…

Now let’s try the opposite.

2. What Won’t Happen If I Don’t Go To The Gym Today?

proceeds to write the exact opposite

You won’t feel happier, you won’t feel an increase in energy levels, your skin health will not improve, your brain health and memory won’t improve…

Another certainty of those same things not happening…

Okay, let’s try asking the same question differently:

2. What Will Happen If I Don’t Go To The Gym Today?


Wait, what? No, something has to happen.

Absolutely nothing.

Nothing will happen, nothing will change, if you keep doing the same thing.

Or rather in this case, if you keep not doing the same thing.

Change the question. Change your mindset. Change your life. 






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25 thoughts on “Stop Thinking What Will Happen, Start Thinking What Won’t Happen

  1. But is this applicable to everything? As every action has its own reaction, how could it has null reaction? But I agree, for few things, it is true. A different angle of perception!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What I meant with the null reaction was not doing something will always have the same reaction and that reaction is no change (nothing). It can definitely get more specific but my goal was to tie it with my general message in the end. Thanks for reading and the feedback!


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, I really appreciate it 🙂 I agree, changing one small thing about our mindset will have a huge impact. Keep writing, I’ll be reading! Also, do you use FaceBook?


  2. Love this! Such a simplified way of making such a strong and great point. Changing the question changes the mindset and the outcome. To think that saying something different by just changing ONE word, changes the entire meaning of the sentence. I had to reread it because at first I was like wait, the answer should be the same. BUT it isn’t. Really great! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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